What is carpet dry extraction cleaning process?
It is a very hygienic carpet cleaning method that emphasises vacuuming as the most important factor in cleaning process. The objective is to remove as much pollution as possible without unnecessary wetting carpets. Dry extraction uses a controlled amount of moisture trapped in the cleaning agent called the dry compound and micro – splitting pre spray applied in such a way to clean safely the carpet and leave it dry and safe for people and pets. Dry carpet helps keep dust mites population to a minimum for at least 6 months.
Dry extraction method is moisture controlled. To properly clean a carpet, we must use water, soil suspending agent and solvents in controlled amounts. So the dry extraction process is not dry, but since a much smaller, more precise amount of liquid is used, the end result is a dry, safely cleaned carpet.
The biggest portion (around 85%) of the soil is dry, and is removed by thorough deep vacuuming. Dry extraction method emphasizes the vacuuming step as the most important step in cleaning. Let’s remove as much of the dry soil as is physically possible before we add any cleaning liquids is the key. The remaining 15% of the soil is oily or greasy and cannot be removed by vacuuming. The secret of dry extraction is that the cleaning liquids are used only where they are needed to attack and dissolve this oily soil.
The dry extraction method uses similar cleaning agents many other methods use. The difference is in the amount used and the delivery system. Dry extraction cleaning uses a mixture of water and safe solvents through an absorbent medium.
The necessary cleaning agents are mixed with a soft, natural, absorbent agent; this blend is called the dry compound. Dry compound is applied to the carpet and scrubbed through the yarns with a machine designed for this purpose. The dry compound acts like the big sponge you use to clean a hard surface. It is the delivery method for the cleaning chemicals and for the soil to be absorbed. It delivers the liquid to the carpet, dissolves the soil and traps the soil until it is removed by vacuuming.
The machine supplies the mechanical action. The machine has two counter-rotating brushes that circulate the dry compound through the yarns. This brushing or circulating action is the most important part of the cleaning process as it ensures that the dry compound has an opportunity to contact all the dirty surfaces of the fibres in the carpet. If the dry compound does not touch the fibres, it does not clean them. The dry compound applies the necessary liquid to the fibre surface, the liquid dissolves the soil, and the compound reabsorbs that soil plus any pre spray that was applied earlier during the cleaning process. All that is left is the extraction (vacuuming) procedure.
The key is proper and effective vacuuming to remove or extract the dry compound that now holds all the carpets soil (including dust, mould spores and allergens). The HOST vacuum AQC is using includes built-in agitator and pile lifter and five stage air filtration system (with optional HEPA filter).
When this thorough vacuuming is done, the job is done. And the carpet is ready to be used immediately.

There are minimum 7 stages in the cleaning process:
Stage 1 Inspection
Stage 2 Pre vacuuming
Stage 3 Pre spotting
Stage 4 Pre spraying
Stage 5 Agitation
Stage 6 Absorption
Stage 7 Extraction
Stage 5, 6 and 7 will be repeated as many times as necessary.
